Thursday 28 June 2012

Schools Out!

The works done, a great portfolio, maybe even a first degree, shows down, all done, schools out! But the prospect of leaving ‘the nest’ must be daunting for the recent graduate setting out into the ‘real’ world. As educators we do our best to prepare them for the reality but being a nurtured student in a close knit community to suddenly cast out is a shock for all and sometimes feels brutal and an abrupt end from a highly creative existence and environment. Some students have had enough of education and are ready to go and some are apprehensive, understandably in this economic climate.

With a great body of work under their belt, the next step is offered here at Artsmart, run by The University of The Arts, a series of talks, workshops, portfolio advice, tips all by professional speakers from industry to help them with the next set of skills that are needed for all those bright young things launch themselves into the ‘creative industries’. There is so much good advice out there and it’s brought together here.

Now suddenly it seems all so exciting! &The People’s print will be checking out Artsmart tomorrow.

Artsmart 29th/30th July 

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